1D 13C Experiments
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13C spectrum

1H-decoupled 13C spectrum (zgdc30 / zgdc / zg0dc | C13CPD)
1H-coupled 13C spectrum (zggd30 / zggd / zg0gd | C13GD)
1H-decoupled 13C spectrum without NOE (zgig30 / zgig / zg0ig | C13IG)
13C spectrum with selective 1H decoupling using CW (zgcw30 / zgcw / zg0cw)

1H,31P-decoupled 13C spectrum without NOE (zgfbig)
DEPT experiment

DEPT (dept)
DEPT-45 (dept45 | C13DEPT45)
DEPT-90 (dept90 | C13DEPT90)
DEPT-135 (dept135 | C13DEPT135)
DEPT with composite pulses (deptcp)
DEPT-45 with composite pulses (deptcp45)
DEPT-90 with composite pulses (deptcp90)
DEPT-135 with composite pulses (deptcp135)
DEPT-45 with adiabatic pulses (deptsp45 / deptsp)
DEPT-90 with adiabatic pulses (deptsp90)
DEPT-135 with adiabatic pulses (deptsp135)
DEPT without 1H-decoupling (deptnd)
DEPT++ without 1H-decoupling (deptppnd)
DEPTQ - DEPT with quaternary carbons (deptqsp)
DEPTQ - DEPT with quaternary carbons using gradients (deptqgpsp)
DEPTQ - DEPT with quaternary carbons using gradients (deptqgpsp.2)
INEPT experiment

INEPT without refocusing (ineptnd)
Refocused INEPT with decoupling (ineptrd)
INEPT+ without decoupling (ineptpnd)
Refocused INEPT with decoupling using adiabatic pulses (ineptrdsp)


SPT (SPI) effect
Conventional APT (apt | C13APT)
APT with J-compensation (aptjc)
SEFT (jmod)
UDEFT: 1D sequence using flip back pulse at the end of acquisition to decrease relaxation delay d1 and NOE (udeft)
T1 13C measurements (t1irpg)
Quaternary-carbons with decoupling (quatd)
Quaternary-carbons without decoupling (quat)
1D X-relayed H,X-COSY (ineptrl1 / ineptrl2)

1D INADEQUATE experiment

1D INADEQUATE without refocusing (inad1d)
1D INADEQUATE using composite pulses (inadcp1d)
1D INADEQUATE with refocusing (inadrd1d)
1D INADEQUATE using initial INEPT (inepin)