This is a simple modification of the DEPT-135 pulse sequence in which the last 180x 13C pulse is replaced by a 90y-180x-90y composite pulse. Thus, the user must be follow the same procedure as described for the above-mentioned experiment but using the deptcp135 pulse program.PARAMETER SET
Create a new dataset withMODIFY SPECIFIC PARAMETERSThe user can record this experiment from two different starting points:
Change the pulse program to deptcp135.
ACQUISITIONChange some of the following acquisition parameters if required: ns, ds, d1, d2, sw and td
OTHER RELATED VERSIONS(au_zg135)) (proc_cpd135).
Once the parameter set of the DEPT-90 experiment using composite pulses has been defined, the analogs DEPT-45 using composite pulses and DEPT-90 using composite pulses experiments can be run simply changing the pulse program to deptcp45 and deptcp90 respectively. Otherwhise, a single parameter set can be defined (wpar deptcp all) for recording any DEPT experiment using composite pulses. In such case, the pulse program is set to deptcp and the user must define the corresponding p0 (45, 90 or 135 degree 13C observe pulse) according to the carbon multiplicity selection.