Publications in 2015
- Chen, D.; Avestro, A. J.; Chen, Z.; Sun, J.; Wang, S.; Xiao, M.; Erno, Z.; Algaradah, M. M.; Nassar, M. S.; Amine, K.; Meng, Y.; Stoddart, J. F. "A rigid naphthalenediimide triangle for organic rechargeable lithium-ion batteries" Adv Mater 2015, 27(18), 2907-12 [10.1002/adma.201405416]
- Check Christopher, T.; Jang Ki, Po; Schwamb, C. Benjamin; Wong Alexander, S.; Wang Michael, H.; Scheidt Karl, A. "Ferrocene-based planar chiral imidazopyridinium salts for catalysis" Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2015, 54(14), 4264-8
- Chatterjee, U.; Zhao, J.; Iavarone, M.; Di Capua, R.; Castellan, J. P.; Karapetrov, G.; Malliakas, C. D.; Kanatzidis, M. G.; Claus, H.; Ruff, J. P.; Weber, F.; van Wezel, J.; Campuzano, J. C.; Osborn, R.; Randeria, M.; Trivedi, N.; Norman, M. R.; Rosenkranz, S. "Emergence of coherence in the charge-density wave state of 2H-NbSe2" Nat Commun 2015, 6, 6313 [10.1038/ncomms7313]
- Chase, H. M.; Psciuk, B. T.; Strick, B. L.; Thomson, R. J.; Batista, V. S.; Geiger, F. M. "Beyond local group modes in vibrational sum frequency generation" J Phys Chem A 2015, 119(14), 3407-14 [10.1021/acs.jpca.5b02208]
- Chakraborty, S.; Colon, Y. J.; Snurr, R. Q.; Nguyen, S. T. "Hierarchically porous organic polymers: highly enhanced gas uptake and transport through templated synthesis" Chem Sci 2015, 6(1), 384-389 [10.1039/c4sc02502d]
- Carney, C. E.; MacRenaris, K. W.; Meade, T. J. "Water-soluble lipophilic MR contrast agents for cell membrane labeling" J Biol Inorg Chem 2015, 20(6), 971-7 [10.1007/s00775-015-1280-4]
- Carney, C. E.; Lenov, I. L.; Baker, C. J.; MacRenaris, K. W.; Eckermann, A. L.; Sligar, S. G.; Meade, T. J. "Nanodiscs as a Modular Platform for Multimodal MR-Optical Imaging" Bioconjug Chem 2015, 26(5), 899-905 [10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.5b00107]
- Cao, D. H.; Stoumpos, C. C.; Farha, O. K.; Hupp, J. T.; Kanatzidis, M. G. "2D Homologous Perovskites as Light-Absorbing Materials for Solar Cell Applications" J Am Chem Soc 2015, 137(24), 7843-50 [10.1021/jacs.5b03796]
- Calta, N. P.; Im, J.; Rodriguez, A. P.; Fang, L.; Bugaris, D. E.; Chasapis, T. C.; Freeman, A. J.; Kanatzidis, M. G. "Hybridization Gap and Dresselhaus Spin Splitting in EuIr4In2Ge4" Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2015, 54(32), 9186-91 [10.1002/anie.201504315]
- Calabrese, C. M.; Merkel, T. J.; Briley, W. E.; Randeria, P. S.; Narayan, S. P.; Rouge, J. L.; Walker, D. A.; Scott, A. W.; Mirkin, C. A. "Biocompatible infinite-coordination-polymer nanoparticle-nucleic-acid conjugates for antisense gene regulation" Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2015, 54(2), 476-480 [10.1002/anie.201407946]
- Butler, M. R.; Movaghar, B.; Marks, T. J.; Ratner, M. A. "Electron pairing in designer materials: a novel strategy for a negative effective Hubbard U" Nano Lett 2015, 15(3), 1597-602 [10.1021/nl5041176]
- Burnside, D. M.; Wu, Y.; Shafaie, S.; Cianciotto, N. P. "The Legionella pneumophila Siderophore Legiobactin Is a Polycarboxylate That Is Identical in Structure to Rhizoferrin" Infect Immun 2015, 83(10), 3937-45 [10.1128/IAI.00808-15]
- Burgdorf, J.; Zhang, X. L.; Weiss, C.; Gross, A.; Boikess, S. R.; Kroes, R. A.; Khan, M. A.; Burch, R. M.; Rex, C. S.; Disterhoft, J. F.; Stanton, P. K.; Moskal, J. R. "The long-lasting antidepressant effects of rapastinel (GLYX-13) are associated with a metaplasticity process in the medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus" Neuroscience 2015, 308, 202-11 [10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.09.004]
- Bugaris Daniel, E.; Han, Fei; Chung Duck, Young; Kanatzidis Mercouri, G.; Im, Jino; Freeman Arthur, J.; Im, Jino; Kanatzidis Mercouri, G. "Crystal Growth, Structures, and Properties of the Complex Borides, LaOs2Al2B and La2Os2AlB2" Inorg Chem 2015, 54(16), 8049-57
- Brodin, J. D.; Sprangers, A. J.; McMillan, J. R.; Mirkin, C. A. "DNA-Mediated Cellular Delivery of Functional Enzymes" J Am Chem Soc 2015, 137(47), 14838-41 [10.1021/jacs.5b09711]
- Brodin, J. D.; Auyeung, E.; Mirkin, C. A. "DNA-mediated engineering of multicomponent enzyme crystals" Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015, 112(15), 4564-9 [10.1073/pnas.1503533112]
- Beyzavi, M. H.; Vermeulen, N. A.; Howarth, A. J.; Tussupbayev, S.; League, A. B.; Schweitzer, N. M.; Gallagher, J. R.; Platero-Prats, A. E.; Hafezi, N.; Sarjeant, A. A.; Miller, J. T.; Chapman, K. W.; Stoddart, J. F.; Cramer, C. J.; Hupp, J. T.; Farha, O. K. "A Hafnium-Based Metal-Organic Framework as a Nature-Inspired Tandem Reaction Catalyst" J Am Chem Soc 2015, 137(42), 13624-31 [10.1021/jacs.5b08440]
- Bergfield Justin, P.; Heitzer Henry, M.; Van Dyck, Colin; Marks Tobin, J.; Ratner Mark, A. "Harnessing Quantum Interference in Molecular Dielectric Materials" ACS Nano 2015, 9(6), 6412-8
- Barnes, J. C.; Dale, E. J.; Prokofjevs, A.; Narayanan, A.; Gibbs-Hall, I. C.; Juricek, M.; Stern, C. L.; Sarjeant, A. A.; Botros, Y. Y.; Stupp, S. I.; Stoddart, J. F. "Semiconducting single crystals comprising segregated arrays of complexes of C60" J Am Chem Soc 2015, 137(6), 2392-9 [10.1021/ja512959g]
- Barnaby Stacey, N.; Sita Timothy, L.; Petrosko Sarah, Hurst; Stegh Alexander, H.; Mirkin Chad, A. "Therapeutic applications of spherical nucleic acids" Cancer Treat Res 2015, 166, 23-50
- Barnaby, S. N.; Thaner, R. V.; Ross, M. B.; Brown, K. A.; Schatz, G. C.; Mirkin, C. A. "Modular and Chemically Responsive Oligonucleotide "Bonds" in Nanoparticle Superlattices" J Am Chem Soc 2015, 137(42), 13566-71 [10.1021/jacs.5b07908]
- Banerjee Sangeeta, Ray; Ngen Ethel, J.; Kakkad, Samata; Lisok, Ala; Pracitto, Richard; Pullambhatla, Mrudula; Chen, Zhengping; Shah, Tariq; Artemov, Dmitri; Bhujwalla Zaver, M.; Pomper Martin, G.; Rotz Matthew, W.; Meade Thomas, J. "Synthesis and Evaluation of Gd(III) -Based Magnetic Resonance Contrast Agents for Molecular Imaging of Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen" Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2015, 54(37), 10778-82
- Banerjee, A.; Yuhas, B. D.; Margulies, E. A.; Zhang, Y.; Shim, Y.; Wasielewski, M. R.; Kanatzidis, M. G. "Photochemical nitrogen conversion to ammonia in ambient conditions with FeMoS-chalcogels" J Am Chem Soc 2015, 137(5), 2030-4 [10.1021/ja512491v]
- Aytun, T.; Barreda, L.; Ruiz-Carretero, A.; Lehrman, J. A.; Stupp, S. I. "Improving Solar Cell Efficiency through Hydrogen Bonding: A Method for Tuning Active Layer Morphology" Chemistry of Materials 2015, 27(4), 1201-1209 [10.1021/cm503915t]
- Auyeung, E.; Morris, W.; Mondloch, J. E.; Hupp, J. T.; Farha, O. K.; Mirkin, C. A. "Controlling structure and porosity in catalytic nanoparticle superlattices with DNA" J Am Chem Soc 2015, 137(4), 1658-62 [10.1021/ja512116p]
- Aruda, K. O.; Bohlmann Kunz, M.; Tagliazucchi, M.; Weiss, E. A. "Temperature-Dependent Permeability of the Ligand Shell of PbS Quantum Dots Probed by Electron Transfer to Benzoquinone" J Phys Chem Lett 2015, 6(14), 2841-6 [10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b01256]
- Anderson John, S.; Rittle, Jonathan; Connor Bridget, A.; Zhang, Limei; Peters Jonas, C.; Cutsail George, E., 3rd; Gunderson William, A.; Hoffman Brian, M. "Characterization of an Fe≡N-NH2 Intermediate Relevant to Catalytic N2 Reduction to NH3" J Am Chem Soc 2015, 137(24), 7803-9
- An, H.; Statsyuk, A. V. "An inhibitor of ubiquitin conjugation and aggresome formation" Chem Sci 2015, 6(9), 5235-5245 [10.1039/c5sc01351h]
- Amin, V. A.; Aruda, K. O.; Lau, B.; Rasmussen, A. M.; Edme, K.; Weiss, E. A. "Dependence of the Band Gap of CdSe Quantum Dots on the Surface Coverage and Binding Mode of an Exciton-Delocalizing Ligand, Methylthiophenolate" Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2015, 119(33), 19423-19429 [10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b04306]
- Adhikari, D.; Miller, A. W.; Baik, M. H.; Nguyen, S. T. "Intramolecular ring-opening from a CO2-derived nucleophile as the origin of selectivity for 5-substituted oxazolidinone from the (salen)Cr-catalyzed [aziridine + CO2] coupling" Chemical Science 2015, 6(2), 1293-1300 [10.1039/c4sc02785j]