![]() 2D 1H-13C Inverse |
2D HMQC experiment
- Magnitude-mode 2D HMQC (hmqcqf | HMQC)
- Magnitude-mode 2D HMQC without decoupling (hmqcndqf)
- Magnitude-mode 2D HMQC using BIRD (hmqcbiqf | HMQCBI)
- Magnitude-mode 2D HMQC using BIRD without decoupling (hmqcbindqf)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HMQC (hmqcph | HMQCPH)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HMQC without decoupling (hmqcndph)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HMQC using BIRD (hmqcbiph | HMQCBIPH)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HMQC using BIRD without decoupling (hmqcbindph)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HMQC with presaturation (hmqcphpr | HMQCPHPR)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HMQC using BIRD and presaturation (hmqcbiphpr) / hmqcbiphpr2)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HMQC with 1-1 water suppression (hmqcph11)
2D DEPT-HMQC experiment
- Phase-sensitive 2D DEPT-HMQC (indecoph)
- Phase-sensitive 2D DEPT-HMQC using BIRD (indecobiph)
- Phase-sensitive 2D DEPT-HMQC-TOCSY using BIRD (indecobimlph)
2D HSQC experiment
- Phase-sensitive 2D HSQC (hsqcph)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HSQC with presaturation (hsqcphpr)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HSQC with off-resonance presaturation (hsqcphps)
- Phase-sensitive Constant-Time 2D HSQC (hsqcctph)
2D HMBC experiment
- Magnitude-mode 2D HMBC using low-pass J-filter (hmbclpndqf | HMBCLPND)
- Magnitude-mode 2D HMBC with presaturation (hmbcndprqf)
- Magnitude-mode 2D HMBC with off-resonance presaturation (hmbcndpsqf)
2D HMQC-COSY experiment
- Magnitude-mode 2D HMQC-COSY using BIRD (hmqcbindqfrl)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HMQC-COSY using BIRD with decoupling (hmqcbiphrl)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HMQC-COSY using BIRD without decoupling (hmqcbindphrl)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HMQC-COSY-DQF using BIRD (hmqcbidfphrl)
2D HMQC-TOCSY experiment (using MLEV)
- Magnitude-mode 2D HMQC-TOCSY using BIRD (hmqcbimlqf)
- Magnitude-mode 2D HMQC-TOCSY using BIRD without decoupling (hmqcbimlndqf)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HMQC-TOCSY (hmqcmlph)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HMQC-TOCSY without decoupling (hmqcmlndph)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HMQC-TOCSY with presaturation (hmqcmlphpr)
- Phase-sensitive2D HMQC-TOCSY with presaturation and without decoupling (hmqcmlndphpr)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HMQC-TOCSY using BIRD (hmqcbimlph)
- Phase-sensitive 2D HMQC-TOCSY using BIRD without decoupling (hmqcbimlndph)
2D HMQC-NOESY experiment