Powder Diffraction
Powder diffraction (PXRD) is a rapid technique that can be used for phase identification and purity analysis of bulk crystalline materials. Combined with elemental analysis , PXRD methods can be used for the identification of unknown samples and/or impurities. Additionally, when single crystal growth is challenging, powder diffraction methods can be utilized for indexing to solving the structure from diffraction data collected on powders. Furthermore, PXRD can be combined with a variety of in-situ/operando methods for measurements under non-ambient conditions. Please check out some selected publications resulted by IMSERC users along with the list of other crystallographic services available in IMSERC

- Determination and refinement of unit cell
- Powder evaluation of sample purity (sensitivity of ~2% by weight)
- Quantitative determination of individual crystalline phases and impurities in mixtures of powder
- Monitor reactions in real time as a function of time, temperature, pressure, and gas flow/pressure
- Probe catalytic changes to substrates
- Investigate decomposition mechanism
- Crystalline particle size determination
- In-situ monitoring of crystallization processes with increasing temperature
- Construction of phase diagrams
- Thermal expansion coefficient measurement
- Rocking curve measurements for evaluation of defect density and quality of crystals
- Texture measurements and orientation of grains in a polycrystalline sample
- Strain analysis
Please visit our expanded list of application per research area for more details about this technique.
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Selected Publications
Structure solution from variable temperature powder diffraction data
Ag2Se to KAg3Se2: Suppressing Order-Disorder Transitions via Reduced Dimensionality
Rettie, A. J. E.; Malliakas, C. D.; Botana, A. S.; Hodges, J. M.; Han, F.; Huang, R.; Chung, D. Y.; Kanatzidis, M. G. [10.1021/jacs.8b04888]Strain analysis
Lattice Softening Significantly Reduces Thermal Conductivity and Leads to High Thermoelectric Efficiency
Hanus, R.; Agne, M. T.; Rettie, A. J. E.; Chen, Z.; Tan, G.; Chung, D. Y.; Kanatzidis, M. G.; Pei, Y.; Voorhees, P. W.; Snyder, G. J. [10.1002/adma.201900108]Texture analysis
Anisotropic Redox Conductivity within a Metal-Organic Framework Material
Goswami, S.; Hod, I.; Duan, J. D.; Kung, C. W.; Rimoldi, M.; Malliakas, C. D.; Palmer, R. H.; Farha, O. K.; Hupp, J. T. [10.1021/jacs.9b07658]Structure of Magnetic 2D Metal-Organic Frameworks
Synthetic investigation of competing magnetic interactions in 2D metal-chloranilate radical frameworks
Collins, K. A.; Saballos, R. J.; Fataftah, M. S.; Puggioni, D.; Rondinelli, J. M.; Freedman, D. E. [10.1039/d0sc01994a]