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NU-LED completes Workshop on Introduction to FPGA based design for advanced experimental test setup and computation intensive applications.

In December 2019, NU-LED offered a workshop on Introduction to FPGA (Field programmable gate array) based design. Postdocs and research students from Physics, Chemistry, Neurobiology and Electrical Engineering attended the workshop. Field programmable gate arrays are programmable devices used to implement digital circuits. Complex FPGA based designs can combine logic design, microprocessor, signal processing and communication applications into a single device. Fast prototyping and re-programmability makes FPGAs suitable for research applications.

The workshop introduced students to FPGA architecture, firmware development environment, design and implementation of digital circuits using hardware description language, and programming development kits. Students designed, implemented and tested circuits using FPGA development kits. If you would like to enroll in upcoming workshops or for more information, please contact Sheena NM ( or take a quick course interest survey. Please also contact the NU-LED staff for any support in electronics or optics design and development to further your research goals.