Also see: 2D 1H ge-2D 1H ge-2D 1H in H2O |
2D 1H in H2O |
2D COSY experiment2D J-Resolved experiment
- Magnitude-mode 2D COSY with presaturation (cosyprqf)
- Phase-sensitive 2D COSY with presaturation (cosyphpr | COSYPHPR)
- Phase-sensitive 2D COSY with off-resonance single or multiple presaturation (cosycwphps | COSYCWPHPS)
- Phase-sensitive 2D COSY with DQF & presaturation (cosydfphpr)
2D TOCSY experiment
- 2D J-Resolved with double presaturation and cw-decoupling on f2 (lcjrescwfdprqf)
- 2D J-Resolved with presaturation and cw-decoupling on f2 (lcjrescwprqf)
- 2D J-Resolved with presaturation using shape pulse and cw-decoupling on f2 (lcjrescwpsqf)
- 2D J-Resolved with double presaturation (lcjresf2prqf)
- 2D J-Resolved with presaturation (lcjresprqf)
- 2D J-Resolved with presaturation using shape pulse (lcjrespsqf)
2D NOESY experiment
- Phase-sensitive 2D TOCSY with presaturation using MLEV (mlevphpr | MLEVPHPR)
- Phase-sensitive 2D TOCSY with presaturation using MLEV only using first trim pulse (mlevphpr.2)
- Phase-sensitive 2D TOCSY with presaturation using DIPSI-2 (dipsi2phpr)
- Phase-sensitive 2D Clean-TOCSY with presaturation using MLEV (clmlevphpr)
- 2D TOCSY with double presaturation and cw-decoupling on f2 (lcmlevcwfdpcph)
- 2D TOCSY with presaturation and cw-decoupling on f2 (lcmlevcwpcphps)
- 2D TOCSY with double presaturation using composite pulse (lcmlevf2pcph)
- 2D TOCSY with double presaturation (lcmlevf2phpr)
- 2D TOCSY with presaturation using shape pulse and composite pulse (lcmlevpcphps)
- 2D TOCSY with presaturation using composite pulse (lcmlevpcph)
2D ROESY experiment
- Phase-sensitive 2D NOESY with presaturation (noesyphpr | NOESYPHPR)
- Phase-sensitive 2D NOESY with presaturation using random mixing time (noesyphprrv)
- Phase-sensitive 2D NOESY with 1-1 solvent suppression (noesyph11)
2D Double-Quantum (DQ) experiment
- Phase-sensitive 2D ROESY with presaturation (roesyphpr | ROESYPHPR)
- Phase-sensitive 2D T-ROESY with presaturation (roesyphpr.2)
- Phase-sensitive 2D ROESY with compensation and presaturation (croesyphpr)
- Phase-sensitive off-resonance 2D ROESY with presaturation (troesyphpr)
2D experiments with multiple solvent suppression
- Phase-sensitive 2D Double-Quantum (DQ) with presaturation (dqsphpr)