Also see: 2D 1H 2D 1H in H2O ge-2D 1H |
![]() ge-2D 1H experiments in H2O |
- Magnitude-mode 2D COSY with presaturation (cosygpprqf)
- Phase-sensitive 2D COSY-DQF with WATERGATE using 3-9-19 (cosydfgpph19)
- Phase-sensitive 2D COSY-DQF with Excitation Sculpting using 180 water-selective pulse (ES element) (cosydfesgpph)
- Phase-sensitive 2D COSY-DQF with Excitation Sculpting using 180 water-selective pulse (ES element) and trim pulses (cosydfesgpphpp)
- Phase-sensitive 2D TOCSY with WATERGATE (3-9-19) using MLEV (mlevgpph19 | MLEVGPPH19SW)
- Phase-sensitive 2D TOCSY with WATERGATE (3-9-19) using DIPSI-2 (dipsi2gpph19 | DIPSI2GPPH19 )
- Phase-sensitive sensitivity-improved 2D TOCSY with WATERGATE (3-9-19) and using DIPSI-2 (dipsi2etgpsi19 | DIPSI2ETGPSI19)
- Phase-sensitive Adiabatic 2D TOCSY with WATERGATE (3-9-19) using X_M16 sequence (atocsygpph19)
- Phase-sensitive 2D TOCSY with excitation sculpting (W5) using MLEV (mlevgpphw5)
- Phase-sensitive 2D TOCSY with excitation sculpting (180 water-selective pulse-ES element) using MLEV (mlevesgpph)
- Phase-sensitive 2D TOCSY with excitation sculpting (180 water-selective pulse-ES element) using DIPSI-2 (dipsi2esgpph)
- Phase-sensitive 2D NOESY with WATERGATE using 3-9-19 (noesygpph19 | NOESYGPPH19SW)
- Phase-sensitive 2D NOESY with WATERGATE using water flip-back and 3-9-19 (noesyfpgpph19)
- Phase-sensitive 2D NOESY with WATERGATE using water flip-back and water-selective 90 pulses (noesyfpgpphwg)
- Phase-sensitive 2D NOESY with WATERGATE using water flip-back, 3-9-19 and PFG in t1 (noesyfpgpphrs19)
- Phase-sensitive 2D NOESY with WATERGATE using water flip-back, water-selective 90 pulses and PFG in t1 (noesyfpgpphrswg)
- Phase-sensitive 2D NOESY with excitation sculpting using W5 (noesygpphw5)
- Phase-sensitive 2D NOESY with excitation sculpting using 180 water-selective pulse (noesyesgpph)
- Phase-sensitive 2D NOESY with excitation sculpting using 180 water-selective pulse and pulse-gradient purgue to remove ZQCs (noesyesgpphzs)
- Phase-sensitive 2D NOESY with excitation sculpting using 180 water-selective pulse, water flip-back and PFG in t1 (noesyesfpgpphrs)
- Phase-sensitive 2D NOESY with jump-and-return (noesygpphjrrs)
- Phase-sensitive 2D ROESY with WATERGATE using 3-9-19 (roesygpph19)
- Phase-sensitive 2D T-ROESY with WATERGATE using 3-9-19 (roesygpph19.2)
- Phase-sensitive 2D ROESY with excitation sculpting using 180 water-selective pulse (ES element) (roesyesgpph)
2D Experiments using WET
- Phase-sensitive 2D COSY using WET (cosydcphwt | COSYDCPHWT)
- Phase-sensitive 2D TOCSY using WET (mlevdcphwt | MLEVDCPHWT)