1D 1H Experiments
1D 1H spectrum
NOEDIFF Experiment
1H T1 measurements (t1ir / t1ir1d | PROTONT1)
1H T2 measurements
1D Multiple-Quantum experiment
1D NOESY experiment
1D NOESY with presaturation (noesypr1d | NOESYPR1D)
1D NOESY with presaturation during relaxation delay and mixing time and using spoil gradient (noesygppr1d)
1D NOESY with presaturation during relaxation delay and using spoil gradient (noesygppr1d.2)
1D NOESY with presaturation and CW decoupling on f2 (lc1pncw)
1D NOESY with double presaturation and CW decoupling on f2 (lc1pncwfd)
1D NOESY with presaturation using shaped pulse and CW decoupling on f2 (lc1pncwps)
1D NOESY with double presaturation (lc1pnf2)
1D NOESY with multiple presaturation (lc1pnfr)
1D NOESY with triple presaturation (lc1pnft)
1D NOESY with presaturation using shaped pulse (lc1pnps)
1D ERETIC experiments