T1 1H measurements with rpar PROTONT1 all (the pulse program t1irMODIFY SPECIFIC PARAMETERSOtherwhise, from the reference 1H spectrum create a new dataset with edc or iexpno and change the pulse program to pulprog t1ir. All required parameters are as described for the 1H spectrum. The inversion-recovery experiment is recorded as a 2D data set in which a delay (vd) is varied over the course of the experiment. For this reason, change parmod to 2D in eda. A 1D 1H spectrum is obtained for each value of vd that can be readed using the corresponding rser command.
ACQUISITIONDefine a vd-list by typing, for instance, edlist vd t1delay. Enter the desired delays (in seconds) as, for instance:
10sand include it in the acquisition parameters by typing vdlist t1delay.
0.01sIt is very important to use a long recycle delay, usually d1=5*T1(1H) (d1=10 s), and l4=td1 is the number of experiments (or number of delays in vd-list).
(minimum number of scans ns=8 and ds=4).PROCESSING
The spectra can be processed by the automation program proc_t1 or manually entering xf2. In all cases, set SI1 as a power of two greater than or equal to the number of delays in vdlist (SI1=16). A linebroadening is usually applied (lb=1 Hz). More details in T1 calculation.PLOT
It is advisable to store all acquisition and processing parameters (for instance, with the command wpar t1ir all) to be used later.OTHER RELATED VERSIONS
The same experiment using a fix interpulse delay is also available (pulprog t1ir1d) to be used by the au-program invrec_au.
Also see: 13C T1 measurements using the Inversion-Recovery experiment