The spin-state selective approach is based on the generation and comparison of two sets of spectra with each displaying only one component of the coupling multiplet, corresponding to the resonances of molecules with a single state of a given spin. Several approaches and applications have been published:
The S3E and S3CT elements. Closely related are the TIG-BIRD ( 98JMR44-135 and 99JMR443-139 ) and the BIG-BIRD elements ( 97JMR202-125 ) which allow arbitrary and independent manipulation of the two coherences in a doublet. Improvement of sensitivity in INADEQUATE ( 95JACS11365 ). Increase of resolution for I2S systems in HSQC spectra ( 96JMRA171-119 ). Selection of a single state in 1D experiments ( 96JMRA221-118 , 96JMRA260-119 ). The TROSY experiment. A similar editing approach has been proposed to measure one-bond coupling constants ( 98JB445-11 , 98JB435-12 , and 99JB175-13 )