REQUIREMENTSThe TROSY (Transverse Relaxation-Optimized Spectroscopy) experiment increases the sensitivity and the resolution of heteronuclear 1H-X correlation inverse experiments by selecting the multiplet component which relaxes most slowly due to cross-correlation between dipole-dipole (DD) and chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) relaxation. Thus, at very high fields strengths, nearly complete cancellation of both mechanism can be achieved and, consequently, spin-spin relaxation rates can be reduced significantly. This effect is particularly attractive in 1H-15N amide groups in the backbone of proteins and in the aromatic side chains where the 13C nuclei exhibit large CSA. However, cross-correlation between DD(1H-13C) and CSA (13C) is less complete than for 1H-15N bevasue the 13C CSA tensors deviate more pronouncely from axial symmetry than the 15N CSA tensors in amied groups and because aromatic 1H spins have much smaller CSA than amide protons.
This approach offers the posibility to extent the aplication of triple-resonance NMR experiments to biomolecules larger than 25-30 kDa.
The TROSY approach has been successfully implemented in many double- and triple-resonance experiments (See TROSY Applications)
Easy implementation on AVANCE spectrometers equipped with pulsed field gradients (PFGs) and inverse probehead.VERSIONS
The original TROSY version is a modification of the regular HSQC pulse train in which the retro-INEPT building block is conveniently modified in order to select the slowest relaxing component ( 97PNAS12366 and B03ZER227).EXPERIMENTAL DETAILSImproved versions affecting both sensitivity and resolution requirements has been reported that incorporate the PEP methodology ( 98JMR364-133 ), the use of PFGs ( 98JACS10778 , 98JB345 , 98JACS11845 , 98ANG2859 , 99JMR92-136 , 99JB77 , 03MRCS80 and 05JB161-31 )
and the incorporation of the CRINEPT scheme. Since relaxation rate of antiphase components is faster than that of the in-phase ones, spurious relaxation-induced artifacts can be present in TROSY spectra. Several approaches have been proposed to remove them ( 00JMR417-143 and 00JMR123-144 ).
A variant to detect and suppress conformational exchange induced transverse relaxation in nucleic acids has been reported ( 01JB275 ) and applied to measure through-hydrogen bond coupling constants.
SEA-TROSY element: 1H-15N TROSY experiment to detect solvent exposed amide protons ( 01JACS4633 ). The idea is to use a double 15N filter to eliminate all magnetization generated from amide protons. The water magnetization is then returned to the z axis to exchange with amide protons during a mixing time. Resultant mangnetization is then observed using a TROSY block. This block can be inserted in any TROSY-base and also HSQC (Clean SEA-HSQC - 02JB317 ) experiments.
qTROSY: Recovery of the anti-TROSY magnetisation ( 05JB113-32 )
This experiment can be recorded using the basic parameter set available for a 2D inverse-detected experiment as, for instance, the HSQC experiment.RELATED TOPICSTutorials: 2D inverse experiments Tutorials: 2D gradient-based inverse experiments
The S3E element
The S3CT element
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2D Inverse experiments 2D Inverse gradient-enhanced experiments