Sample: Strychnine Solvent: CDCl3 Spectrometer: AVANCE 400 Probehead: Inverse Broadband with z-Gradients Experiment: Magnitude-mode ge-2D 1H-15N HMBC experiment Details: AVANCE Tutorial Pulse program: hmbcgpndqf ( Pulse Diagram) Experiment Time: 40 minutes |
2 td=1k
1 td=64w ns=32 d6=60m |
xfb using MC2=QF
2 si=1k 1 si=128 |
Improved sensitivity is achieved increasing the number of scans. On the other hand, better resolution in the indirect F1 dimension can be achieved by increasing the number of fids to be acquired (1 td) or using linear prediction when processing (MEM=LPfr).PARAMETER SET FILE
Start from the standard HMBCGPND parameter set