The applicability of diffusion-based NMR methodologies for ligand-receptor interactions has been reported for:Related Applications:
- Determination of association constants (94JCS1901 , 95JCS1183, 00TET6151, and 01JOC6891) using the following equation:
Dobs=XguestDguest + XcomplexDcomplex in which the observed diffusion coefficient for the guest molecule will be the mole fraction weighted average of the bound and free states.
- Study of Protein-ligand complexes. Affinity NMR or diffusion-edited NMR for screening compound mixtures to detect binding ligands ( 98JOC8486, 98JACS10258, 99AC669, 00JACS414)
Vancomycin (mw 1475): 3.64*10-6 cm2/s
D-ala-D-Ala (): 8.73*10-6 cm2/s (free)
D-ala-D-Ala (complexed with Vancomycin): 6.06*10-6 cm2/s (free)
Study of solvation phenomena in a tetrapeptide ( 02JACS7737) and probing hydrogen bond strength in mixtures ( 00TL7181 ). Study of Supramolecular host-guests complexes: Study of intermolecular interactions: