Anisotropic Media
For a fully oriented molecule, the amide 1H-15N dipolar coupling is over 20 KHz
and the 1H-1H dipolar coupling of a proton-proton pair separated by 5 amstrongs
can be as large as 1 KHz. Such large values affords highly complicated spectra and, therefore, new techniques should be
required to achieve partial alignment and, in this way,
slightly anisotropic solutions. Some pre-requisits are:
- Very weak alignment induced by steric and/or electrostatic forces.
- Aqueous medium is required
- No interactions between the orienting media and the solute
- Stability over a range of temperatures, pH, salt concentrations ....
- Minimal adverse effect on rotational diffusion.
Types of weak alignment media:
- Natural Alignment
- Artificial alignment:
- Partial alignment can be also achieved in the presence of electric fields
(99JPCA8604 ,
00JPCA3326 ,
00JMR104-147 and
00JMR361-147 ).
- Assessment of change in several alignment media using RDCs
(02JB123-24 , 02JACS12020 and 03JACS5596 )
- Magnetic field dependence of RDCs in different liquid cristalline media
(04JMR191-170 )
- Diffusion studies on several anisotropic media
(01JACS12343 )