The multidimensional NMR experiments specifically designed for 2H,13C,15N-labeled proteins are simply modifications of the already existing methodologies, in which the following features are included:A list of published NMR methods:
- Increased recycle time (about 2 seconds).
- High levels of 2H in the CA and CB sites allow the use of constant-time (CT) carbon evolution periods with deuterium decoupling resulting in much better resolution in the carbon dimension.
- 3D backbone
NMR experiment References Level of deuteration Observations 3D HNCA 94JACS6464 94JACS11655 Perdeuterated or 70% 2H-labeled 3D HN(CO)CA 94JACS11655 96JACS6570 perdeuterated or 70% 2H-labeled 3D HN(CA)CB 94JACS11655 96JACS6570 Perdeuterated or 70% 2H-labeled 3D HN(COCA)CB 94JACS11655 96JACS6570 Perdeuterated or 70% 2H-labeled 3D HN(CA)CO 96JMRB112-110 96JMRB194-111 Perdeuterated 3D HBHA(CO)NH 99JMR285 3D HN(COCA)NH 95JB323-5 96JMRB194-111 Perdeuterated 3D HACAN, HACACB, HACACO, HACA(N)CO 97JACS872 Selective 1HA-labeled deuterated proteins
- 3D backbone side-chain:
NMR experiment References Level of deuteration Observations 3D C(CC)(CO)NH 95JACS4187 Perdeuterated or 70% 2H-labeled
- 4D experiments
NMR experiment References Level of deuteration Observations 4D HNCACB 94JACS11655 Perdeuterated or 70% 2H-labeled 4D HN(CA)NH 97JMR214-124 4D HN(COCA)NH 93JACS4369 95JB323-5 Random fractional deuteration 4D [HBCB/HACA]NNH 96JACS407 Random fractional 50% deuteration 4D [HBCB/HACA](CO)NNH 96JACS407 Random fractional 50% deuteration 4D HCC(CO)NNH 96JACS407 Random fractional 50% deuteration
- NOE experiments:
NMR experiment References Level of deuteration Observations 3D 15N-separated 96JACS407 Perdeuterated or 70% 2H-labeled 3D 13C-separated NOESY-HSQC 96JACS407 4D NN-NOESY (HSQC-NOESY-HSQC) 95JACS9592 95JACS9594
- Experiments for selective amino-acid type assignment and identification :
NMR experiment References Level of deuteration Observations 2D beta-carbon-edited HN(COCACB) 96JMRB95-112 3D HN(COCACB)CG 98JMR350-134 3D HN(CACB)CG 98JMR350-134 2D NH2-filetred HSQC 3D H2N(CO)Cb/g 3D H2N(COCb/g)Cb/a 96JB59 Glu and Asn side-chain amide NH/15N groups 2D refocused H(Ne/f)Cd/e 2D H(Ne/fCd/e)Cg/d 96JB59 Arg side-chain amide NH/15N groups and non refocused versions for Lys side-chain amide groups 3D (HM)CMC(CM)HM 98JACS11738
03JACS138681H-methyl deuterated proteins correlating methyl chemical shifts with CB (val), CG (Leu and Ile) 3D (H)C(CA)NH-COSY 03JACS5701 1H-methyl deuterated proteins correlating methyl chemical shifts with Ile d1 methyl groups Methyl TROSY 03JACS10420
03MRC8431H-methyl deuterated proteins
2D 15N,NH correlations of residues that follow methyl-containing amino acids ( 97JB283 ). specific aa experiment