The 2D Arg-(H)C(C)-TOCSY-NEHE experiment was developed to correlate arginine side chain carbon chemical shifts with the imino HE proton. On the other hand, an analog 2D Arg-H(CC)-TOCSY-NEHE experiment can be used to assign the side chain proton chemical shifts. The experiment follows the same principles described for the 3D (H)CC(CO)NH experiment.REQUIREMENTS
Implementation on any AVANCE spectrometer equipped with an inverse probehead, a third channel and pulsed field gradients (PFGs). The experiment is applied on 13C,15N-labeled proteins in H2O.VERSIONS
The original sequence was reported in 96JMRB272-113 .EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
A 2D 1H-1H map is obtained correlating NE protons (in F2) with all side chain 13C-bound protons in the 2D Arg-H(CC)-TOCSY-NEHE experiment.RELATED TOPICSOn the other hand, a 2D 1H-13C map is obtained correlating NE protons (in F2) with all side chain protonated carbons in the 2D Arg-(H)C(C)-TOCSY-NEHE experiment.