Selective 90 1H pulse

Selective homonuclear 1D experiments usually start from the selective 1H excitation of a given resonance followed by a mixing process. An important point to consider in such experiments is the chosen selective excitation scheme. The most simple approach is a 90º or 270º shaped pulse.

or a selective spin-echo scheme:

When PFGs are available, the SPFGE and DPFGE schemes are highly recommended. There are two different types of homonuclear experiments as a function of the mixing process:

Easy implementation on AVANCE spectrometers equipped with shaped pulses capability.
For further details about implementation of selective excitation schemes and selective 1D experiments in AVANCE spectrometers see:
The most standard way to implement an initial selective 90º or 270º 1H pulse in a pulse program is:
4u pl0:f1
p11:sp1:f1 ph1:r
in which
See theoretical descriptions of related experiments in the following lists: Selective excitation schemes
Selective homo- and heteronuclear 1D experiments
Selective gradient-based 1D experiments