Selective homonuclear 1D experiments usually start from the selective 1H excitation of a given resonance followed by a mixing process. When PFGs are available, the SPFGE scheme is highly recommended as a selective excitation scheme. Selective 1D experiments can be easily derived by adding the corresponding mixing process between the SPFGE block and the acquisition period, as shown for the selective ge-1D NOESY:REQUIREMENTS
Easy implementation on AVANCE spectrometers equipped with shaped pulse and gradient capabilities.EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
For further details about implementation of selective excitation schemes and selective 1D experiments in AVANCE spectrometers see:SYNTAX
The most standard way to implement a selective gradient-enhanced echo building block in a pulse program is:RELATED TOPICSin which
d16 pl0:f1
p12:sp2:f1 ph2
- p12 is the duration of the shaped refocusing pulse
- sp2 is the power level of the selective pulse
- spnam2 is the shape of the selective pulse
- p16 and gpz1 defines the duration and the strength of the involved gradients, respectively.
See theoretical descriptions of related experiments in the following lists: