BIRD-recovery cluster

The BIRD cluster is a group of pulses that permit discrimination on the basis of the size of proton-carbon (JCH) coupling constants. Differentiation is based on the fact that the 1JCH values are in the range from 125-220 Hz while nJCH values are generally less than 15 Hz.

A BIRD-recovery time cluster applied to a spin system with z-magnetization of I spins (Iz) inverts the non-S-bound (S=13C or 15N) I spins (I=1H), whereas the S-bound protons are untouched. After an appropriate recovery period (the null period), the z-magnetization of the non-S-bound protons is zero and the pulse sequence is started with only the S-bound protons. The major application of this preparation period has been in phase-cycled HMQC-type experiments in which the large signal arising from unwanted 1H-12C magnetization is efficiently removed.

The BIRD building block has also been incorporated in evolution periods to distinguish between direct and long-range components of the magnetization.

Easy implementation on AVANCE spectrometers.
The interpulse delay of the BIRD block must be set to 1/(2* 1JCH) and the recovery delay must be optimized for each sample. For further details about implementation of several 2D inverse experiment incorporating the BIRD-recovery module in AVANCE spectrometers see:
The most standard way to implement BIRD-recovery cluster in a pulse program is:
p1 ph1
d2 pl2:f2
(p2 ph2) (p4 ph4):f2
p1 ph3
in which: