The 2D J-resolved experiment allows to separate the coupling constant and chemical shift informations in separate dimensions of a 2D spectrum. This experiment was the basis of the initial concept of 2D NMR spectroscopy but its actual use is very limited to specific cases. Nowadays, multiplet analysis and coupling constants measurements are usually performed by most modern methodologies.REQUIREMENTS
Easy implementation on any AVANCE spectrometer.VERSIONS
The pulse sequence of the 2D J-resolved experiment is a simple echo experiment ( 76JCP4226 , 78JMR133-31 , 78JMR75-31 , and 81JMR73-42 ). After a 90º 1H pulse, transverse magnetization is evolving during the variable mixing time. At the middle of this period, a 180º 1H pulse is inserted in order to remove chemical shift evolution while evolution of couplings is not affected. Data is acquired as usual. This experiment can also be recorded for X-nuclei with proton decoupling.EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
The 2D J-resolved experiment is usually recorded in routine/automation modes. Details on practical implementation of a 2D J-resolved experiment on AVANCE spectrometers can be found in Tutorial: 2D J-Resolved experimentSPECTRA
A 2D J-resolved spectrum contains a multiplet for each spin, centered at the position F1=0 en the F1 dimension and at its chemical shift in the F2 dimension. In second-order systems, careful analysis and interpretation must be done.RELATED TOPICS
Related experiments:
2D homonuclear experiments 2D gradient-based homonuclear experiments