General Reading: 96ENC3336
Pyrimidine Bases: Thymidine, Uridine, and Cytosine Purine Bases: Adenine and Guanine Sugar Moieties: Deoxyribose and Ribose. Prediction of proton chemical shifts in RNA (01JB11-21)
Random coil 1H chemical shifts of DNAs (02B329-24)
Imino exchangeable protons resonating at 12-14 ppm are characteristic of imino protons participating in a regular Watson-Crick A.T and G.C base pair. On the other hand, imino resonances at 9-11 ppm are characteristic of imino protons not involved in such Watson-Crick H-bonding.
13C and 15N chemical shifts are useful probes for sugar puckering ( 89BIO9372 ) duplex melting ( 88NAR2323 ), hydrogen bonding ( 95JACS12281 , 93JACS12607 , 93JACS3832 ), protonation ( 93JACS8742 ), helix-to-coil transition ( 87JACS3169 ), drug binding ( 93JACS8742 , 91JACS3021 , 01BIC219 ). In addition, theoretical models have been described showing such relationship between chemical shift and structure in nucleic acids ( 98JACS4230 , 98JPC5280 , 00JPCB5641 , 01JMR1-151 )
31P chemical shifts ( 96ENC3340 )