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ge-2D inverse HOESY

The ge-2D inverse HOESY experiment is the inverse-detected gradient-enhanced version of the HOESY experiment. It is designed to detect and measure long-distance NOEs between different heteronuclei. Spectra showing better sensitivity and quality are obtained when compared with X-detected analogs.
The ge-2D inverse HOESY experiment can be recorded in routine/automation modes and minor changes are required if a predefined parameter set is available. Although in theory a single scan per t1 increment should be necessary, in practice a minimum 8 scans per t1 increment is required for good suppression of axial peaks. However, this is not a serious drawback because inverse HOESY is quite insensitive and usually a large number of scans must be recorded. As in any NOESY-type experiment, the most important parameter to optimize is the mixing time.
  • Tutorials: 2D inverse experiments
  • Tutorials: 2D gradient-based inverse experiments
    The inverse HOESY experiment yields a 2D heteronuclear correlation spectra with minimal t1-noise, consisting only of genuine heteronuclear NOE cross-peaks

    Related experiments:

  • 2D Inverse experiments
  • 2D Inverse gradient-enhanced experiments