Sample: Strychnine Solvent: CDCl3 Spectrometer: AVANCE 400 Probehead: Inverse Broadband with z-Gradients Experiment: DEPT spectra Pulse program: dept ( Pulse Diagram) Experiment Time: 4 minutes Details: AVANCE Tutorial |
td=32k sw=220 ns=64 d2=3.5m p0 is set to 45, 90 or 135 degree as desired. |
ef using lb=1
si=32k |
The DEPT spectra of strychnine allows the unambiguous determination of the multiplicity of all carbon resonances. Thus, strychnine has 6 aliphatic methylene carbons, 5 aliphatic methine carbons, 1 quaternary aliphatic carbon resonating at 51.8 ppm, 5 olefinic/aromatic CH carbons, 3 olefinic/aromatic quaternary carbons and a carbonyl carbon resonating at 169.1 ppm. Alternatively, multiplicity and heteronuclear correlations can be simultaneously traced out from a 2D 1H-13C multiplicity-edited HSQC spectra.RELATED ITEMS
See list of spectra of strychnineOBSERVATIONS
Start from the standard C13DEPT45, C13DEPT90 or C13DEPT135 parameter sets