Part III: Solid-State NMR

Heteronuclear Correlation Experiments:
  • 2D correlation experiment using heteronuclear multiple quantum coherences (hmqc.av)
  • Heteronuclear correlation between protons and X nuclei with or without homonuclear decoupling during t1 possible decoupling schemes are FSLG, PMLG, and DUMBO (hxhetcor.av)
  • 2D HETCOR with FLSG during t1(lghetfq.av)
  • 2D HETCOR with FLSG during t1(lghetfqpi.av)
  • 2D HETCOR with FLSG during t1(lghetloop.av)
  • 2D FSLG-HETCOR with shaped pulse during t1 (lghetshape.av)
  • 2D MAS-J-HMQC experiment with FSLG decoupling (masjhmqc.av)
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