Heteronuclear Correlation Experiments: 2D correlation experiment using heteronuclear multiple quantum coherences (hmqc.av) Heteronuclear correlation between protons and X nuclei with or without homonuclear decoupling during t1 possible decoupling schemes are FSLG, PMLG, and DUMBO (hxhetcor.av) 2D HETCOR with FLSG during t1(lghetfq.av) 2D HETCOR with FLSG during t1(lghetfqpi.av) 2D HETCOR with FLSG during t1(lghetloop.av) 2D FSLG-HETCOR with shaped pulse during t1 (lghetshape.av) 2D MAS-J-HMQC experiment with FSLG decoupling (masjhmqc.av)