1D Cross-Polarization Experiments: Basic CP experiment (cp.av) Basic CP experiment with flipback 90 (cp90.av) Basic CP experiment with explicit programming of acquisition (cpadc.av) Basic CP experiment with composite 180 pulse, for pulse determination (cpc180.av) Basic CP experiment with Hahn echo for stationary CP (cphahn.av) T1 inverion recovery with CP detection (cpht1.av) Proton T1rho experiment, X detected via cross polarisation (cpht1rho.av) Basic CP experiment with NQS, refocussed(cpnqs.av) CP editing experiment by phase inversion (cppi.av) CP editing experiment by phase inversion (cppircp.av) CP editing experiment by phase inversion (cppispi.av) Basic CP experiment with SELTICS SSB-suppression (cpseltics.av) Basic CP experiment with recoupling of CSA (cpsuper.av) Basic CP experiment with TOtal Suppresson of Sidebands (cptoss.av) Basic CP experiment with TOtal Suppresson of Sidebands and Non Quaternary Suppression (cptoss_nqs.av) Basic CP experiment with variable contact time (cpvc.av) Basic CP experiment with X T1 inverion recovery (cpxt1.av) Basic CP experiment for T1rho measurement of X-nucleus (cpxt1rho.av) Frequency shifted Lee-Goldburg decoupling after cp to see X-H J couplings (fqlg.av) Basic cp experiment, contains calculations for various decoupling schemes: cw, tppm, xix, and pidec (vacp.av)