edhead command

Since XWINNMR 3.0, the program offers the command - a new tool to define and set new probeheads.

The edhead command has a new user interface. We distinguish between new probes that have PICS identification capabilities and the conventional older probes.

If a probe has PICS (Probe Information Control System), then all information (parameters) describing the probe are obtained automatically by edhead from the PICS chip on the probe.

For older probes, all necessary information (parameters) can be entered on several selection menus with the "Edit probe parameter set" button in edhead. Correct settings in these menus are, for instance, important for BEST-NMR.

For all probes, the probe parameter set is then stored in a file uniquely identifying the probe in the directory


The "Define as current probe" sets the currently highlighted probe as the cur-rent probe by writing its name to the file


The "Probe" menu provides functionality to create a new probe, to copy, rename or delete a probe.