f1 channel
1H offset in Hertz (o1p)
1H sweep width in ppm (3 sw)
1H 90 (p1) and 180 (p2) hard pulse at
high power level (pl1)
1H decoupling pulse (pcpd1) at low power level (pl19)
1H 90 TOCSY pulse (p6) at
low power level (pl10)
General 1H trim pulse (p17)
1H flip-back pulse shape (spnam1), power (sp1), and length (p11)
f2 channel
13C offset in Hertz (o2p)
13C sweep width in ppm (1 sw and/or 2 sw)
13C 90 (p3) and 180 (p4)
hard pulse at high power level (pl2)
13C decoupling pulse (pcpd2) at power level (pl12)
using the scheme specified in cpdprg2.
13C CC-TOCSY pulse (p9) at power level (pl15)
13C 90deg shaped pulse name (spnam2), length (p13), and power (sp2)
13C 90deg time-reversed shaped pulse name (spnam8) and power (sp8)
13C 180deg shaped pulse name (spnam3), length (p14), and power (sp3)
13C 180deg decoupling shaped pulse name (spnam3), length, and power (sp15)
f3 channel
15N offset in Hertz (o3p)
15N sweep width in ppm (1 sw and/or 2 sw)
15N 90 (p21) and 180 (p22) hard pulse
at high power level (pl3)
15N decoupling pulse (pcpd3) at power level (pl16)
using the scheme specified in cpdprg3.