Unlabeled Proteins
The following NMR experiments are usually recorded for unlabeled proteins:
1D 1H spectrum of the protein dissolved in a mixture of 90%
H2O/10% D2O or 100% D2O solutions using some solvent suppression
A series of 1D 1H spectrum at several temperatures
to observe
the broadening or the shifting of resonance signals due to exchange, dynamic
or folding processes.
- Study of chemical exhange processes by adding small amounts of D2O and observe its effect on the labile NH proto resonances.
Spectral assignment using 2D 1H NMR experiments on both H2O
and D2O solutions:
Protein dynamics from homonuclear relaxation studies: T1, T2
and NOE data.
2D 1H-X heteronuclear correlation experiments can be also performed
at natural abundance under special conditions.