15N T1ro Relaxation Data Nuclear magnetic relaxation in the rotating frame constitutes a unique source of information on chemical and conformational exchange processes in the microsecond-to-millisecond time scale Thus, alternatively to the classical T2 relaxation data measurement equivalent rotating-frame relaxation rate (T1(ro)) can be measured by applying off- or -on-resonance CW. Such measurements are performed as a function of the spin-lock field strength in 2D HSQC-like experiments ( 96JACS911 , 96BIO9335 , 97JMR509-124 , 97JB363 , 98JMR351-131 , 98JB307 , 98BIO12320 , 99JB213 , 01METH204 ), 04JB195-30 ). Data can be corrected for offset effects using the measured T1 values. Experimental: Usually about 10 spectra with relaxation delays ranging from 0.01 to 0.5 seconds are carried out using 15N spin lock power of 0.5-1 kHz. Peaks heights or integrated peaks can be used to determine the corresponding relaxation rates as a function of spectral dispersion.
1H T1ro values can be also extracted from a 2D 1H-15N correlation map as described in 97JMR509-124 .
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Mean T1ro (or R1ro) values of some proteins at different fields: