General Reading: 01JB243-19 , B99KRI121, 00ENC1281 , 98COP640 , B03ZER95 and 04CR3587 . Topics: Solid-State NMR methodology for membrane protein structure determination ( 00COP593 , 02CONC212 and 03CONC111 ) Micellar systems as solvents in Protein NMR ( 01METH271 ) NMR of membrane associated peptides and proteins ( 01METH285 , 03JB125-25 and 03CONC130 ) NMR experiments for labeled membrane proteins in oriented lipid bilayers ( 02JB225-22 , 03CONC130 and 05METH350 ) NMR of peptide in isotropic phospholipid bicellar solution ( 02JB103-24 ) NMR of bicelles ( 03JB113-25 ) Membrane protein preparation for NMR screening ( 05METH321 ) Solution structure and dynamics of membrane proteins by NMR ( 05METH335 ) Applications: Myristoylation for inmobilization and alignment of soluble proteins. Measurement of orientation-dependent chemical shifts and residual dipolar couplings ( 03JB55-25 ) Structure and dynamics of a membrane protein in micelles from ( 03JB327-26 and 03JB377-27 ). Backbone amide resonance assignments from 2D HMQC-NOESY spectra Backbone dynamics from 1H-15N heteronuclear NOEs Structure and topology of the helices from residual dipolar coupling constants Evaluation of detergents for structural studies of membrane proteins ( 04JB43-28 ) Probing membrane protein orientation and structure using fast MAS ( 04JB253-30 ) Backbone and sidechain assignments in a transmembrane protein complex ( 05JB279-31 ) 99PNAS487 and 99BIO1562