Empirical 3JCO-CB values and angular backbone constraints can be interconverted following well-known Karplus relationships: , 98JB199 , 99JB263 .VALUES
3JCO-CB=2.54*cos2(fi-120) - 0.55*cos(fi-120) + 0.37 3JCO-CB=1.61*cos2(fi-120) - 0.66*cos(fi-120) + 0.26 ( 97JACS6360 ) 3JCO-CB=2.72*cos2(fi-120) - 0.31*cos(fi-120) + 0.39 ( 99JB1-14 ) where fi is the backbone torsion angle.
Range from 0 Hz to +4.0 HzMEASUREMENT
RELATED TOPICSApplication of in the study of side-chain conformation in an unfolded protein ( 99JMB705 ).
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The same dihedral angle information can be obtained from other coupling constants values: