The Gaussian shape has been largely used as a selective excitation, selective inversion and selective refocusing element in many NMR experiments.REQUIREMENTS
The Gaussian shape can be defined in the SHAPE tool.VERSIONS
EXPERIMENTAL DETAILSThe gaussian shape was proposed in 84JMR442-58 as an improved alternative to low-power rf pulses having a rectangular time-domain profile. Several examples of selective 1D experiments using gaussian pulses was reported ( 86JMR106-70 ). However, the frequency-domain amplitude response of a gaussian 90 pulse is another gaussian and the undesired phase properties showing such pulse can be avoided by using a self-refocusing 270 gaussian pulse ( 89JMR211-82 ) or incorporating the 90 gaussian pulse into an spin-echo period ( 87JMR386-74 , 88JMR178-78 , 91JMR102-91 , 93MRC259 ).
For instance, the application of 270 gaussian pulse in selective 2D COSY ( 90ANG517 and 92ANG1248 ), selective 2D NOESY ( 90JCP7698 ), selective 2D Triple-Quantum ( 94CPL291 ), selective 1D TOCSY ( 92ANG1248 ) experiments have been proposed.
More details in Tutorial: Defining a Gauss Shape.PROFILE
A) Gaussian shaped 90 degree pulse as a excitation element: