X Half-filter

The X half-filter element ( 88JACS2388 and 96ENC2239 ) plays an important role in multidimensional NMR experiments specifically designed to study protein-ligand complexes, where the protein is usually 13C and/or 15N-labeled and the ligand is at natural abundance. Two data sets are recorded which differ only  by the phase of a editing 90º X pulse. For instance, sumation of these data selects 1H-12C magnetization and rejects 1H-13C magnetization, whereas subtraction selects 1H-13C magnetization and rejects 1H-12C magnetization in 13C-labeled proteins.

Several options to implement such filter are possibles:

This block can be easily inserted in conventional 2D 1H experiments (NOESY, TOCSY ...) replacing the original preparation (w1-filtering/editing) or detection (w2-filtering/editing) schemes (see, for instance: 2D X-filtered NOESY experiment and 2D X-filtered TOCSY experiment). For instance, replacing the initial 90º 1H pulse by a X-half filter in a NOESY experiment results in a 2D w1-X-filtered/edited NOESY experiment. The basic sequence is repeated twice, once with the phase of the last 90º X pulse set to x and once with the phase to -x. Data addition or data subtraction allows to select for  selection or filtering purposes. On the other hand, if the filter is placed instead of the last 90º 1H pulse, a 2D w2-X-filtered/edited NOESY is obtained. Alternatively, the above X half-filter can be incorporated into the same experiment (the so-called double half-filter) giving a 2D w1,w2-X-filtered/edited NOESY experiment.

In such experiment, two editing pulses are present and, therefore, four different data acquisitions are performed that can be combinated in four different ways:

In addition of the above possibilities, the X-half filter is equivalent to the 1D HMQC experiment:

Thus, it is very easy to incorporate a variable evolution period between the two 90º X pulses. A series of widely used 3D and 4D experiments result of this approach:

Easy implementation on AVANCE spectrometers.
 The interpulse delay is optimized to 1/(2*1JCH) and the last 90º X pulse must be cycled with the receiver.
The most standard way to implement a refocused X half-filter in a pulse program is:
(p3 ph1):f2
p2 ph2
(p3 ph3):f2
in which:

However, during the relaxation delay a series of perturbations can be applied in order to achieve an specific goal.


Several related isotope filters have been described ( 00PROG323 ):

  • Double-tuned filter elements ( 92JMR199-96 and 92JACS2433 )
  • New isotope-filtered schemes based on double-tuned filter, adiabatic inversion pulses and a PFG-based z-filter ( 96JB492-8 , 97JACS6711 , 97JMR36-127 ).
  • A Constant-time J-resolved filter element ( 00JACS9735 )
  • 15N/13C half filters ( 99JB43 )
  • J-compensated isotope filter ( 99JACS5346 )
  • Time-shared X(w1)-half filter ( 00JMR168-144 )
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