If a 180º proton pulse is applied in the middle of a delay, 1H chemical shift is refocused but 1H-1H coupling constants are allowed to evolve.REQUIREMENTS
Easy implementation on AVANCE spectrometers.EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
Only the evolution delay must be set in accordance to the required application.SYNTAX
The standard way to implement an homonuclear spin-echo period in a pulse program is:RELATED TOPICSin which:
p2 ph1
- d4 is the variable evolution delay optimized to 1/(4*J) (in seconds).
- p2 is the 180º 1H pulse (in microseconds) applied at high power level pl1 from the f1 channel.
- ph1 is the phase specified at the end of pulse program.
It should be possible to use equal gradients bracketing the 180 pulse.