The acquisition of the NMR signal is the last step in any NMR experiment. During this period, the NMR signal is recorded in the time domain as a free-induction decay. When acquire an heteronucleus signal different to 1H, for instance 13C, we have different possiblities. When no 1H decoupling is applied, full information about homo- and heteronuclear NMR coupling constants are obtained.REQUIREMENTSOther 13C acquisition schemes are available:
- With 1H-decoupling
- With selective 1H-decoupling
- With 1H,Y-decoupling
Easy implementation on AVANCE spectrometers.EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
For more experimental details see Tutorials: Calibration pulses.SYNTAX
The standard way to implement a 1H acquisition period is:RELATED TOPICSin which:
2 d1 cpd2:f2
go=2 ph31 do:f2
- go starts data acquisition during an acq period using the acquisition parameters previously defined in eda.
- The number after go (=2) defines the loop to be executed. The number of scans (ns) defines the number of times this loop is repeated.
- ph31 is the receiver phase specified at the end of pulse program and must be cycled in accordance to all pulses involved in the pulse sequence.
- The do:f2 command (decoupler off) is necessary if 1H-decoupling (see cpd2:f2 command during the d1 period) has been operative previous to the acquisition period.