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A 90º carbon pulse

A hard 90º 13C pulse can be the starting point in any heteronuclear multidimensional NMR experiment requiring transverse 13C magnetization. A 90ºx(13C) pulse converts the pre-equilibrium longitudinal (Sz) magnetization to transverse magnetization (-Sy) that usually evolves under the effects of chemical shifts and/or coupling constants during the following predefined delay.

However, the major drawbacks of such an approach are the sensitivity and relaxation effects. If 13C excitation is desired, it is usually performed by means of different options:

Easy implementation on AVANCE spectrometers. Pulses are executed by the pulse program commands p0-p31, which execute a pulse on the specified channel during the respective duration parameter. p1 and p2 are most often used as a 90º and 180º 13C pulses at power level pl1, respectively, when the f1 channel is defined for 13C (13C-detected experiments). However, in inverse experiments, all carbon pulses are delivered from the decoupler or f2 channel and, in this case, p3 and p4 are most often used as a 90º and 180º 13C pulses, respectively, at power level pl2.
The excitation bandwith of a 90º 13C pulse depends of its duration and, therefore, of the applied power level. In AVANCE spectrometers, usually short pulses (microseconds) are achieved at maximum power level.

Accurate 13C pulse calibration via transmitter and/or decoupler is required. For further details about pulse calibrations in AVANCE spectrometers see Practical Tutorials: Pulse Calibrations.

The most standard way to implement an initial 90º 13C pulse in a pulse program is:
d12 pl1
(p1 ph1):f1
in which d1 is the relaxation delay (in seconds), p1 is the 90º 13C pulse (in microseconds) applied at a power level pl1 from the f1 channel, and ph1 is the phase specified at the end of pulse program. A short delay d12 (20 usec) is usually needed to set the pl1 value. However, in some cases, both power level and channel syntax can be omitted:
p1 ph1
When 13C pulses are delivered from the decoupler, the syntax must specify from which channel the pulses amd power level are applied:
 d12 pl2:f2
 (p3 ph1):f2
in which the p3 is the 90º 13C pulse (in microseconds) applied at a power level pl2 from the channel f2 or decoupler. In this case, the 90º 13C pulse length can be slightly different compared to the analogous observe 13C pulse. See high-power 90º 13C decouple pulse calibration for more details.

 See some examples: