The 3D HCP experiment is a 1H-13C-31P triple-resonance experiment specifically designed to assign the ribose H3'/C3', H4'/C4' on the 5' side and, H4'/C4' and H5',H5''/C5' resonances on the 3' side of the intervening phosphorus in 13C-labeled nucleic acids.REQUIREMENTS
Implementation on AVANCE spectrometers equipped with a third channel and gradient technology.VERSIONS
The 3D HCP pulse sequence ( 94JACS4983 and 94JACS6472 ) consists of the following basics steps:EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
Other approaches:
- Initial transfer from 1H to 13C via 1J(CH) using an INEPT pulse sequence.
- Transfer from 13C to 31P via nJ(CP) using another INEPT pulse sequence.
- 31P chemical shift evolution during the variable evolution t1 period.
- Transfer back to 13C from 31P using a retro-INEPT pulse sequence.
- 13C chemical shift evolution during the variable evolution t2 period
- Magnetization is finally transferred back to the 1H protons using a CH-optimized PEP methodology.
- Proton acquisition under 13C decoupling.
2JC3'(i)-P(i) and 2JC5'(i+1)-P(i) coupling constants are about 3-5 Hz, and 3JC4'(i)-P(i) and 3JC4'(i+1)-P(i) coupling constants are about 8-10 HzSPECTRA
In the HCPCH spectra, the H-4'/C-4', H-3'/C-3', H-5',H-5''/C-5' pairs are sorted in a 2D spectrum as a function of 31P chemical shift in the third dimension.RELATED TOPICS