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The 3D HCP experiment is a 1H-13C-31P triple-resonance experiment specifically designed to assign the ribose H3'/C3', H4'/C4' on the 5' side and, H4'/C4' and H5',H5''/C5' resonances on the 3' side of the intervening phosphorus in 13C-labeled nucleic acids.

Implementation on AVANCE spectrometers equipped with a third channel and gradient technology.
The 3D HCP pulse sequence ( 94JACS4983 and 94JACS6472 ) consists of the following basics steps:

  1. Initial transfer from 1H to 13C via 1J(CH) using an INEPT pulse sequence.
  2. Transfer from 13C to 31P via nJ(CP) using another INEPT pulse sequence.
  3. 31P chemical shift evolution during the variable evolution t1 period.
  4. Transfer back to 13C from 31P using a retro-INEPT pulse sequence.
  5. 13C chemical shift evolution during the variable evolution t2 period
  6. Magnetization is finally transferred back to the 1H protons using a CH-optimized PEP methodology.
  7. Proton acquisition under 13C decoupling.
Other approaches:
  • Simultaneous acquisition of HCN and HCP experiments ( 96JB251 ).
  • An analog 2D H(C)P experiment has been proposed ( 95JMRB89-106 ).
  • A similar approach called HCPCH experiment has been proposed using natural abundance samples ( 95JMRB117-109 ).
  • Enhanced resolution in 3D HCP to measure 3J(C2'P) and 3J(C4'P) coupling constants ( 04JB61-30 )
  • Quantitative 2D and 3D HCP to measure 3J(C4'(i)-P(i)) and 3J(C4'(i)-P(i+1)) coupling constants in oligonucleotides ( 98JB223 ).
    2JC3'(i)-P(i) and 2JC5'(i+1)-P(i) coupling constants are about 3-5 Hz, and 3JC4'(i)-P(i) and 3JC4'(i+1)-P(i) coupling constants are about 8-10 Hz
    In the HCPCH spectra, the H-4'/C-4', H-3'/C-3', H-5',H-5''/C-5' pairs are sorted in a 2D spectrum as a function of 31P chemical shift in the third dimension.
