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The 2D COLOC (Correlation by Long-Range Coupling) experiment has been the most used carbon-detected 2D long-range correlation experiment and permits to known all long-range proton-carbon connectivities in a single experiment. It is based in the so-called constant time (CT) evolution period that minimizes T2 losses due to relaxation.

Easy implementation on any AVANCE spectrometer.
The 2D COLOC experiment can be recorded in routine/automation modes. All acquisition parameters as described in 2D long-range optimized HETCOR experiment. However, it is not possible to employ the desired sweep width and/or level of digitization. It must accomplish the relationship t1(max)/2=B*IN<=D1 where B is the number of increments of the evolution period and IN is the increment time (IN=1/2*SW). Thus, a compromise value of the sweep width, number of increments, and constant-time period length must be chosen. Specific 1D setup experiments for careful delay optimization in COLOC experiment has been also reported ( 87JMR414-75 ).

More details on practical implementation of the 2D COLOC experiment on AVANCE spectrometers can be found in the Tutorial: 2D COLOC experiment.

A typical 2D map in which cross-peak stands for a two- or three-bond proton-carbon connectivity. However, two major drawbacks are present:
Presently, improved sensitivity ratios are obtained from heteronuclear correlation experiments based on proton detection as the HMBC experiment.

Related experiments:

  • 2D X-detected experiments