A series of 1D 13C pulse sequences have been proposed to obtain 1H-decoupled 13C spectrum in which the intensity of X resonances depends on their multiplicity pattern.
- 1D INEPT experiment.
- 1D DEPT experiment.
- SEFT (Spin-Echo Fourier Transform) experiment ( 81JMR302-45 and 81JCS150 ).
- APT (attached Proton Test) experiment ( 82JMR535-46 , 86JMR243-67 , 93JMRA285-101 , and 98MRC445 ).
- PENDANT (Polarization ENhancement During Attached Nucleus Testing)) experiment ( 94JCS373 and 95JCS533 ).
- SEMUT experiment ( 83JMR154-53 , 83JMR272-53 , and 83JCS1138 ).
- ORSAT (Off-Resonance Synchronized Attachment Test) experiment ( 99JMR132-137 ).