113Cd NMR spectroscopy is applied on inorganic and organometallic cadmium-containing compounds. Cadmium is also used as a probe for structural and mechanistic studies of proteins containing Cd or those in which Zn is substitued by Cd at their active centres (96ENC1085). Solid state studies has also been reported.NMR REFERENCES
Typical standard samples are external 0.1M Cd(ClO4)2 in aqueous solution or neat (CH3)2Cd (641ppm). The absolute frequency of neat (CH3)2Cd is 22.193175 MHz with respect to 100.00 MHz of the TMS signal. Also see IUPAC recommendations for reporting the NMR chemical shits of all nuclei relative to the 1H resonance of TMS (02JMR323-156).NMR PARAMETERS
Some interesting features of the Cd nucleus are:NMR EXPERIMENTS
- 113Cd chemical shift range: +700/-125 ppm. Identical chemical shifts are found for the 111Cd isotope.
- Short T1 values.
In Cadmium-containing compounds the following experiments can be helpful:BIBLIOGRAPHY
- 1H-decoupled vs 1H-coupled 113Cd spectrum.
- 2D 1H-113Cd HMQC experiment ( 85JACS1775 , 85JMR579-61 , 88JMB251 , 00MRC452 ).
- 2D 113Cd-113Cd COSY experiment ( 85ICAL71 , 85JACS6847 ).
- 2D 13C-111Cd and 13C-113Cd HMQC experiment using carbon detection.
Interesting review: B91PRE264.
The Transition Metals NMR: B79HAR195.
113Cd NMR in proteins ( 96ENC1085 )93IC4632-32