Routine tool for structure elucidation in organic and organometallic chemistryNMR REFERENCES
Also widely applied on Biomolecules: Proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides and others, usually isotopically labeled with 13C.
The accepted internal reference is tetramethylsilane in CDCl3 [(CH3)4Si or TMS]. Also see IUPAC recommendations for reporting the NMR chemical shits of all nuclei relative to the 1H resonance of TMS (02JMR323-156).NMR PARAMETERS
Several useful NMR parameters can be extracted from 13C spectra:NMR EXPERIMENTS
- 13C chemical shifts
- Multiplicity in DEPT-like experiments
- Multiplet patterns and coupling constants
1D DEPT and INEPT experiments
2D 13C-1H correlation experiments using 1H or 13C detection. Examples are the HMQC(HSQC)/HMBC and HETCOR/COLOC experiments, respectively.
2D 13C-X correlation experiments ( 96ENC4839 ). For instance 2D 13C-31P correlation experiments using carbon ( 95MRC59 ) and phosphorus ( 89MRC599 , 92MRC587 ) detection.
2D 13C-13C INADEQUATE experiments.See eNMR for a complete list of multidimensional NMR experiments involving the 13C nucleus.
NMR Methods ( 00ENC149 ) NMR Parameter Survey ( 00ENC159 ) Solid-State NMR ( 00ENC802 )