Long-range proton-carbon coupling constants

The quantitative measurement of long-range proton-carbon coupling constants for small and medium-size organic compounds at natural abundance has been an interesting topic among the years. From the values of theses coupling constants, dihedral angles can be characterized by means of Karplus-type relationships ( 76PROG41 ). Applications:
  • Conformational analysis of sugars ( 95ACC15 ). Karplus-type equations for C-O-C-H spin systems ( 89CR359 )
  • Glycosidic Torsion angles in nucleic acids
  • J-based configuration analysis: Configurational and conformational analysis of acyclic structures of natural products ( 95TET12229 , 96TL1269 , 99JACS870 , and 99JOC866 , 04OL1025 ), 01EJOC39 , 02OL2779 , and 01TL8611 ) .
  • Effect of substituents ( 94MRC657 , 95MRC196 , 98JMS117 , and 00MRC343 ).
  • 2J(CH) for differentiation of aldohexopyranosul residues ( 05OL661 ).
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