NMR-related hyphenated techniques: LC-NMR-MS to account of the molecular weight and fragmentation information ( 01AC571 and 01PHY489 ) HPLC with on-line solid-phase extraction (HPLC-SPE-NMR) ( 98MRC104, 01MRC236, 03AC268, and 05MRC762) to further increase detection sensitivity by sample concentration. In this method, analytes eluting from the HPLC column are trapped on SPE cartridges prior to subsequent elution into the NMR flow probe for analysis using an NMR-compatible solvent. The use of deuterated solvents avoid the use of solvent suppression techniques and affords high-sensitivity flap-baseline spectra. Use of cryogenic probe technology to improve sensitivity. Is highly useful when sample concentration is the limiting factor ( 02AC4588). On-line semi-preparative LC-SPE-NMR ( 05MRC776) HPLC-SPE-NMR combined with diode array detection ( 05AC3547). HPLC-SPE-MS-NMR Capillary LC-NMR ( 05AC3547 and 05MRC783). by using microprobes for truly mass-limited samples. The idea is to use miniaturized microcoils with a very small active detection volume ( 02AC4464 and 04AC2966). Is the methos of choice when the sample amount is limiting. Capillary HPLC-NMR Capillary electrophoresis Capillary electrochromatography Capillary isotachophoresis (01JACS3159 )